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Friday, June 6, 2008

Free Stock Pick June 6 2008 - options

June 6th: (limited-members page)

  • This is carried over into Friday
  • (APOG) - closed up 1.49%, with a 25.48 entry point we are 1.01% away from our target! no new positions should be opened
  • This bull looks to be "best of the bunch"
    • (____) - enter at/before open, system play
  • These two look to be "stone cold mortal locks or Rocks"
    • (____) - long, system play
    • (___) - the son of the above; long & system
  • Use system on the following if you can enter at the trigger
    • (DSCP) - long; only with an entry point at/below 46.46


For the Option lovers, have been banging out Winner after Winner. I am currently working out a formula that I should have posted within a week or so (% gains/loss guidelines) I have a couple of exciting options that we can use over there!


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